Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Beef Steak in Pepper Mushroom Sauce w/ Mashed Sweet Potatoes

I wish I could give this recipe a shorter name but then no one will understand what's going on in the recipe.

So just to tell you what's going on here is that one of my very good friends Osama from Karachi who also goes by the handle of @ashaqeens on twitter asked me to make a beef steak for him BUT he did not want me to just make it on snapchat or for the blog, he wanted me to come to Karachi, make this recipe for him and serve him as well.

I would love to do that someday but right now since I am in a different time zone I have to make this this way. Why would I do this for Osama you ask? Because he is a Hotel California pretty pretty boy.

This recipe has four steps. Making the mashed sweet potatoes, making the steak, making the pepper mushroom sauce and then searing the steak into the sauce.

Also grabbed some fresh thyme for the garden for the steaks.



2 Sweet potatoes (shakarkandi)

2 Tablespoons of butter
2 Tablespoons of milk
Salt and pepper to taste


2 Sirloin steaks (you can take any type of steaks)

2 Tablespoons  of butter
Salt and pepper to taste
2 Tablespoons of olive oil
1 Small sprig of thyme
2 Garlic cloves lightly crushed


4-6 Mushrooms sliced
Half onion finely chopped
1 Tablespoon of crushed black pepper
1 Cup beef stock
1 Cup of cream
1 Tablespoon of butter
1 Tablespoon of olive oil
2 Garlic cloves finely chopped

We will start with the Mashed Sweet goddamn Potatoes. I HATE TO WRITE ALL OF THESE NAMES AGAIN AND AGAIN.

Peel off the skin from the sweet potatoes, cut them into big cubes and boil them in water for 8 to 10 minutes.

Drain all of the water out of them using a strainer.

Take the potatoes out in a bowl and mash them. Add butter, milk, salt and pepper.

Mash them again to the desired consistency.

Time to move on to the steak but before that I am going to roughly crush some whole black pepper in the coffee grinder.

Now season the steak generously with with salt and pepper.

Crush two garlic cloves and keep a small sprig of thyme on the go.

Warm up you pan with olive oil.

Add the steak to the pan and hear the magical sound of the steaks cook.

When nothing else in life is magical trust me the steaks are, just if you want to feel good about yourself.

Cook the steaks for a minute on all four sides on high heat.

Now time to put some butter into the pan along with the garlic and thyme.

Cook the steak on medium flame for 6-7 minutes on each side.

Tilt the pan every 2 minutes and with the help of a spoon pour the butter over the steak frequently to enhance the flavor.

Rest the steaks aside after they are done.

Do not clean the pan yet, if you have some greens cook them in them in the pan before you clean it for the sauce.

Time to start working on the sauce. Chop the onions and mushrooms.

Warm up some olive oil in a pan on medium heat and also melt some butter in it.

Start with frying the onions and garlic.

As soon as the onions start turning brown add the mushrooms and black pepper.

Cook for 2-3 minutes until the mushrooms are done.

Add a cup of beef stock and cook it till it is reduced to half.

If you don't have the beef stock you can use chicken stock instead and if you don't have that then I am truly sorry for you.

Add a cup of cream after than and no you cannot replace it with anything because somethings are irreplaceable.

Cook it till your desired consistency. Sear the steaks in the sauce with the juice (for extra flavor) and cook it on low flame for 2 minutes.

Everything is ready to be served.

This is a colossal meal and should be eaten empty stomach only.

Presenting you the behemoth Beef Steak in Pepper Mushroom Sauce w/ Mashed Sweet Potatoes.

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